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Most TSP funds rose in August but overall decline from a year ago

Last month the Thrift Savings Plan returns saw steady increases in most funds, but returns were still lower than where they finished in August 2020, according to numbers released Wednesday.

The biggest monthly increase was in the small capitalization stock index S fund, which rose from -1.24% in July to 2% in August. The second-biggest stock fund increase was the international stock index I fund, which went from 0.72% in July to 1.76% last month.

The common stock index investment C fund rose from 2.37% to 3.03% during that time, while the securities-backed G fund slightly decreased from 0.13% to 0.11%. The fixed income investment F fund was the only stock fund to finish in the red, dropping from 1.15% in July to -0.18% in August.

Year over year, the F and G funds were up slightly while the S, I and C funds were down between 3.36 and 5.20 percentage points.

Meanwhile, the Lifecycle funds were down from August 2020 but slightly up from last month. The biggest monthly increase were in the L 2050 and L 2055 funds which both rose from 1.26% to 2.42%. Close behind was the L 2060 fund, increasing from 1.26% to 2.41%.

The smallest increase among Lifecycle funds was in the L Income fund, which rose from 0.47% in July to 0.63% in August, according to Wednesday’s numbers.

Thrift Savings Plan — June 2021 Returns
Fund August Year-to-Date Last 12 Months
G fund 0.88% 1.15%
F fund -0.18% -0.55% 0.12%
C fund 3.03% 21.56% 31.13%
S fund 2.00% 16.31% 43.73%
I fund 1.76% 11.70% 26.32%
L Income 0.63% 4.43% 7.37%
L 2025 1.16% 8.33% 14.67%
L 2030 1.50% 10.54% 18.54%
L 2035 1.63% 11.50% 20.37%
L 2040 1.77% 12.46% 22.22%
L 2045 1.88% 13.28% 23.85%
L 2050 1.99% 14.12% 25.50%
L 2055 2.42% 17.18% 31.27%
L 2060 2.42% 17.18% 31.27%
L 2065 2.41% 17.18% 31.27%

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